Saturday, May 23, 2020

Dante s View Of Hell And Purgatory - 1251 Words

When one thinks about the idea of hell, they often find their minds wandering back to the great work of Dante Alighieri in The Inferno, or better known as Dante’s Inferno. In this story, Dante is lead through the nine circles of hell with his tour guide, Virgil the Roman poet to meet the final destination of heaven. â€Å"Major and startling innovations, such as the choice of the poet Vergil as Dante s guide through both hell and purgatory and the inclusion in the Comedy of characters taken from classical antiquity, demonstrate the importance that ancient Roman literature, history, and mythology held for the chief imagination of Christendom, as Yeats defined our poet,† (Scott). While this text not only demonstrates the ancient Roman†¦show more content†¦While Christianity has been divided into many different churches such as the Catholics, Baptists, and Presbyterians, the same theological ideas remain. It is generally believed that one who does good actions wil l be rewarded with the right to enter Heaven. While those who display negative moral actions will be forced into the fiery gates of hell. This is the man basis of religion in America. There are many other types of religions that have the same type of ideas. â€Å"Death could scarce be more bitter than that place! But since it came to good, I will recount that all that I found revealed there by God’s grace,† (Pg. 28). Thus, as so many people believe in religion and the ideas behind it, it is easily seen that the threat of hell is something that can alter the actions of humans. Even America was founded on the idea of living under God, as stated in several documents. If the threat of hell was nonexistent, or had no profound effect on human actions, then religion wouldn’t hold such a high standard in any society. â€Å"In accusing the popes of making gold and silver their gods, Dante is repeating the characteristic denunciation of idolatry leveled by the Old Testam ent prophets against religious authorities,† (Franke). Religion holds a high position in everyday life’s, even Dante, as it does present the threat of hell which will change a person’s actions. Similar to religious reasons, the threat of hell does affect a person’s moral actions

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Hamlet, By William Shakespeare Essay - 1559 Words

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, focuses on the life of Prince Hamlet and his quarrels with: death, despair, deceit with the demented definitions of our dimension. Shakespeare, rather than reduce his Hamlet to simply a ‘melancholy prince’ enables him to slide along the spectrum of melancholy and joy, celebrating the diffà ©rence of that binary, moreover bringing the character to a death he both craves and fears. Hamlet lives in the extreme of death notwithstanding deceit: with his uncle/Claudius, killing his father/Old Hamlet, his love/Ophelia, being lost and ultimately dying, him killing Ophelia’s father/Polonius, killing Polonius’ son/Laertes, killing Claudius and Claudius killing Gertrude/Hamlet’s Mother, ultimately Hamlet dying, then after it all we find out that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern died. Above all the black bile of his own creation, Hamlet thoroughly enjoys himself, going as far as to joke while he is being strangled. â€Å"I prithee take thy fingers from my throat† (Act V, Scene i): the trace of this humor is what follows the morbidity of Ophelia’s funeral turning the despair of the funeral goers to an awe of the spectacle, morbidity becomes a leaf on the wind. What extenuates the humor of this scene is Hamlet’s infamous skull-monologue uttered prior to this incident. Since, in theatre, comedy is the effect of opposite expectations. Though not completely effacing Hamlet’s previous soliloquy. Hamlet changes the diction. By first grasping the audience’s attention with,Show MoreRelatedHamlet, By William Shakespeare880 Words   |  4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare is praised as the pioneering English poet and playwright whose collection of theatrical works is regarded as the greatest artistic value throughout the history of English literature. Shakespeare delved into the spiritual and mental component of humanity and the consequences that arise from this human spirit when it is disputed. The most famous revenge tragedy play, Hamlet, is an excellent illustration of Shakespeare’s philosophical study of human nature. In Hamlet, the arguableRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare899 Words   |  4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare, author of Hamlet, was a well-known author in the 1500s and is still popular today. He was born on April 24, 1564 in London, England. Although there were no birth records at that tim e, it shows he was baptized one year prior to that, which leads us to believe his birthday was in 1564 because children were normally baptized a year after their birth. Shakespeare’s writing style was very different than others at that time. He used many metaphors and rhetorical phrases, and most ofRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare996 Words   |  4 PagesHamlet, written by William Shakespeare, with out a doubt holds the most famous soliloquy in English history spoken by Hamlet in Act III, scene i, lines 57-90. This soliloquy holds much importance to the play as a whole because it ties together the reoccurring themes of suicide and Hamlet’s inaction portrayed by Shakespeare. Hamlet poses a problem, which is the driving force of the play: â€Å"To be or not to be?†(III.i.57). Shakespeare uses this logical question asked by Hamlet to drive out his underlyingRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare1178 Words   |  5 Pages In William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, the protagonist suffers from struggles with major characters, especially with the women in his life. While reading the play Hamlet, Hamlet appears to be a disillusioned man. Throughout the play, Shakespeare has only casted two females: Gertrude and Ophelia. Gertrude is defined to be incestuous, naà ¯ve and cold-hearted. On the other side, Ophelia is characterized to be ignorant, innocent and fearful. After the quick marriage of his mother and evil uncle, Hamlet’sRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare1308 Words   |  6 PagesHamlet is arguably one of the greatest tragedies in all of literature and when most people think of tragic plays, they think of none other than the one who wrote it, William Shakespeare. This classic story of revenge excites it’s readers with its main character, Prince Hamlet, who goes through the unique human-like process of revenge that is often overlooked. Many other stories rely heavily on the logi c of good people doing good things and bad people doing bad things just for the sake of their natureRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare Essay1453 Words   |  6 PagesHamlet by William Shakespeare explores many aspects of mankind--death, betrayal, love, and mourning. Out of these, the most prominent theme in this play is death in the form of suicide. The main character, Hamlet, finds himself questioning the quality of life and the uncertainty of the afterlife once he discovers news of his father s death and the corruption in the kingdom that follows. Ophelia, Hamlet’s lover, is found dead later in the plot and is presumed to have committed suicide. In Hamlet’sRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare1146 Words   |  5 PagesA character so complex, enticing and fascinating, his name is Hamlet. We are all Hamlet, and that, is the argument. Hamlet is an enigmatic character with many flaws. These flaws are the ones that prove similarities between us and him. A play so popular and significant is due to its huge relevance to us as a society. In the play Hamlet, William Shakespeare uses Hamlet’s character and metaphor to demonstrate that when one is left alone to their thoughts, these thoughts overtake reason. ConsequentlyRead MoreHamlet by William Shakespeare1456 Words   |  6 PagesThe play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, takes place in a time where the impossible was a part of the lives of everyday people. Occurrences that people in the modern time would believe unbelievable. Yet, with just a quill and parchment Shakespeare’s is able to connect the past and present by weaving a plot with skill that is still unparalleled to this day. The play Hamlet this exceeds this expectation by revealing depth of Hamlets, the protagonists, character personality through the useRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare1920 Words   |  8 PagesIn the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the character Hamlet must deal with both external and internal conflict. Hamlet encounters many struggles and has trouble finding a way to deal with them. With so many corrupt people in his life, Hamlet feels as if there is no one that he can trust and begins to isolate himself from others. A result from this isolation leads Hamlet to become melancholy. Hamlet struggles with suicidal thoughts, wants to kill King Claudius, and is distraught over his mother’sRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare846 Words   |  4 Pagesalways been a contemplative topic. In Hamlet, the main character Hamlet thinks to himself about suicide. Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet between 1599 and 1602. William Shakespeare is one of the greatest playwrights in history. Hamlet is about Prince Hamlet of Denmark who is trying to find out about the death of his father after his father s ‘ghost’ comes to him telling him it was his uncle who had killed him. While Hamlet contemplates suicide he gives his famous

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hrm598 Case Study 2 Free Essays

HRM 598 Case Study: Getting and Using Compensation Information â€Å"Compensation is a systematic approach to providing monetary value to employees in exchange for work performed. Compensation may achieve several purposes assisting in recruitment, job performance, and job satisfaction. Compensation is a tool used by management for a variety of purposes to further the existence of the company. We will write a custom essay sample on Hrm598 Case Study 2 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Compensation may be adjusted according to the business needs, goals, and available resources. The three careers I chose for this case study are Public Relations Specialist, High School Teacher, and Project Coordinator. The reason for me choosing these specific careers was that I’ve held each one at some point in time. In this case study we will examine why each job has different salary ranges and why. Question #1 Doing this research I’ve come to find that out of the three jobs that I selected, a project coordinator is paid the most on average. The project coordinator is paid $89,509 a year on average. I was shocked to find out that out of the three careers chosen, that a public relations specialist is paid the least of all three. The public relations specialist on average is paid $45,931 a year. I expected that the project coordinator position would be the highest paid out of the three, however I did not expect for the teacher to be paid more ($53,447 a year on average) than the public relations specialist. I expected the teacher to be paid the least of all three. Usually teachers are thought to be paid the least when comparison to other professions. Some factors that could play a part in the difference could be number of days worked (teachers usually have a 9 month work year), levels of responsibility the job carries (project coordinators are generally in charge of seeing an operation through from beginning to end) whether or not the company is private or state funded (teachers are usually employees of the state, less money is involved) are some factors that could possibly be the differences in pay just to name a few. Question 2 Different jobs come with different benefit packages, and that’s just how the cookie crumbles. Project coordinators on average make $7,217 on average a year in bonuses. The project coordinators have the highest bonuses out of three companies selected. Next out of the three is public relations specialist. The public relation specialists on average make $532 in bonuses a year. Lastly we have the teachers. Teachers make $0 in bonuses a year on average. Teachers may have the most important job in the public eye, but in terms of bonuses there is no merit to issue bonuses. Teachers are expected to show up and teach the students so that they will do well on the state test. The project coordinator on the other hand makes a nice little penny when it comes to bonuses. Project coordinators have a lot of tasks to accomplish with a short period of time to do so. When deadlines are met or beat certain bonuses may be awarded. Bonuses in this field are performance based. When dealing with public relations specialist it’s tricky to talk about bonuses. Some factors that effect bonuses in this field are, is the company private owned or are you working for a person, what field you are doing PR in just to name a few. Depending on what pay scale the company has in place could affect how bonuses are set up as well. Question#3 Stock options are benefits in the form of an option given by a company to an employee to buy stock in the company at a discount or at a stated fixed price. With the data that was present for these three careers, there was no stock option information available. To me the Teacher is the only professions out of the three that I think aren’t allowed stock options. There are no stocks in public schools, so you can’t earn something that doesn’t exist. Project coordinator and public relations specialist are entitled to stock options. The determining factors to whether or not stock options are made available lye solely with company. If the company offers stock options, the people who are in the public relations specialist and project coordinator positions are eligible, it just depends on the company. Teachers can’t get them, because they are not offered in that public sector. Question4 After reading the job descriptions for the three careers I chose, I found the program coordinator and the public relations specialist descriptions were pretty much right on the money, however the teaching description was acking and left a lot to be desired. The description for the program coordinator was right on the money. It gives you an accurate run down on what’s expected from the position, and what is required to fulfill the position at its maximum capacity. The description I read for the public relations specialist may have been the best one. The description given for this job painted a clear and accurate picture of the position. From my personal experience the description I read for the teaching position was generic and lacking of substance. It didn’t quite detail what the job entails in detail. I think the descriptions were worded to give the job seeker an overall view of the job. Question #5 After researching these positions in my local area my findings were not that surprising. The area I did my study for was Chicago, IL, and Chicago wages are a lot higher than most other cities. The reason why I think Chicago wages are higher than most is due to the cost of living for one. Another is the Illinois state tax is higher than most cities as well. Location is one of the biggest reason I can say as to why the pay grades are higher here in Chicago. Some factors that play a part in location that effects pay could be, but not limited to; crime, taxes, cost of living, and environmental conditions. With the public relations specialist, and program coordinator positions, their pay is 7% higher in the city of Chicago. Teachers in Chicago on average make $14,670 more than the average stated on the websites. These findings really weren’t surprising at all, they were sort of expected. Question #6 The information on this site would be very beneficial to a graduate fresh out of college doing their contract negotiations. I would use the information in my negations by starting off with getting a clear understanding of my duties going off the description set forth by the website. The website gives good information to start a salary negotiation, because it gives you a median to start your negotiation off with. When doing these negotiations I would show the median numbers for the task set forth by the description giving. A few factors that might have a bearing on the salary could be but not limited too; location, the company’s’ revenue intake, years of experience, and education level just to name a few. Question #7 The labor markets for these particular jobs are large in the sense of the fact that these careers have markets all over the world and in many different fields. When talking about labor markets you have to remember that labor markets may be local or national in their scope and are made up of smaller, interacting labor markets for different qualifications, skills, and geographical locations. They depend on the exchange of information between employers and job seekers about wage rates, conditions of employment, level of competition, and job location. People working in the three fields I’m covering in this case study are recruited all over the country to fill positions they are qualified for. The geographical location of these jobs plays a huge part in the salary wages paid out. After doing some research it seems like southern rural states have the lowest paying wages. Using the â€Å"teacher† position for example, a teacher starts of at $32,400 a year in Jackson, MS, but that same teacher would start of at 44,230 a year in the suburbs of Chicago. Geographical location plays a major part in wages. In the States of Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee and Georgia all these positions are paid less than states such as Illinois, New York, Washington D. C, Florida, and Dallas. Question 8 The median teaching salary was $52,447 on average for the year. The minimal salary is $34,327, that’s an $18,120 difference. Geographical location plays a huge part in these wages and the differences. Like I stated before the rural and southern locations generally have the lowest wages. The highest pay on average for a teacher is $71,093 a year, that’s an $18,646 difference from the median salary. The median salary for a public relations specialist is $45,931 dollars a year. The minimal salary for this position is $34,121 a year, there’s an $11,810 difference in the pay. The highest level of pay for this position is $55,657, there’s a $9,726 difference. In this position, bigger cities have the best market for this career. A program coordinator income on average is $89,509 a year. This career is paid rather well. The lowest average salary is 68,779 a year, that’s a $20,730 difference. The highest pay on average for this position is $116,436 a year, that’s a $26,927 difference. The higher pay is usually located in major cities, with large populations. There is a large number in variations in these salaries. Some factors that can play a part in these variations are but not limited too; education, geographical location, years on jobs, the employers financial state just to name a few. Question #9 The information on www. salary. com is very sufficient. What makes me think this that they covered all bases? I feel they go above and beyond, especially the fact they have their compensation consultants create a composite view for each job using a proprietary mathematical model built by Salary. om. The model takes into account the statistical reliability of each data point, the robustness of the data within each data point, the effective date of the data reported, and the industry, geography, or company size biases within each survey. What else leads me to believe that the information is accurate is that they also have their compensation consultants have collected an d reviewed data covering more than 29 million individuals working at more than 16,000 companies. The implications of using inaccurate data can be fatal to the potential employer and employee. Having the wrong salary information could have an employer paying an employee too much for the position, and or vice versa. The implications of wrong salary data could be very detrimental. It could affect the employer and or employee for a long amount of time. Question 10 Although salary. com is free and has tons of useful information, hiring a consultant could still be very beneficiary to the company. The information provided on salary is gathered from a wide range of data. Information gathered for the site may lean heavily toward a particular geographical location. Hiring the outside consultant could give you the actual numbers in your geographical area. The consultant could possibly provide more realistic numbers for the company. The hiring of the consultant could also be done to double check or just verify the numbers for the company’s own edification. Question 11 As a manager you have many responsibilities, and one of those responsibilities is paying your employees. As a manager there are a few reasons I could think of to justify paying an employee more than what salary. com suggest. One reason is internal equity. A manager should review the experience of the employee in relation to his position on the salary scale when justifying his or her salary. Another factor is that of external equity. A manager should review the employee’s prior salary history. Another factor is market forces. Managers can justify offering more money in a period of economic growth, particularly when numerous companies are competing to attract the best employees. Another factor that may play a role in offering more than salary. com could be geographical location. If the cost of living is steady rising, a manager might offer more to compensate in that rise of the cost of living. These are a few factors that would heavily influence my decision as a manager. Completing this case study enlighten me on many things that I would have never thought of. I never imagined that the teacher would be making more than the public relations specialist. Another thing that this case study opened my mind up to was location. Geographical location can be the difference in thousands of dollars of pay. Geographical location embodies a lot of sub factors. Some factors are but not limited to taxes, cost of living, and weather and work conditions. This case study was very insightful and beneficial. Bibliography 1. ) www. salary. com 2. ) http://smallbusiness. chron. com/managers-justify-paying-employees-high-low-14526. html 3. ) http://swz. salary. com/docs/salwizhtmls/methodology. html 4. ) http://smallbusiness. foxbusiness. com/legal-hr/2011/04/25/picking-best-pay-structure-business/ 5. ) http://www. mde. k12. ms. us/school-financial-services/school-financial-services-teacher-salary-schedule 6. ) http://money. usnews. com/careers/best-jobs/public-relations-specialist 7. ) http://www. indeed. com/salary/Program-Coordinator. html 8. ) http://www. wikipedia. org/ How to cite Hrm598 Case Study 2, Free Case study samples

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Objectives of Maxis Mobile - Marketing Plan Essay Example for Students

Question: What areObjectives of Maxis Mobile? Answer: The company deploys the use of sophisticated technologies that connect and enrich people's lifestyles irrespective of their location and distance from one another. Maxis group endorses growth and support services to the customers in a manner that attempts to improve the company's effectiveness and overall performance. Another objective of Maxis is bringing a social-economic development in the business environment to promote education, health, and agri-business within the community. The company looks forward to integrating information and communication-based technology in an attempt to establish and enable corporate responsibility towards connecting customers in different locations. Company analysis For ensuring sustainable development in the business environment, companies should clearly understand the factors surrounding their day to day activities. Just like any other business environment, Maxis is surrounded by many factors that go beyond the management's control and may affect the business operations either positively or negatively (Kaplan Norton, 2001, p. 100). It remains important for management to analyze the effects of external environmental factors on the telecommunication activities of the company so as to determine the definite potential of the business. Macro Environmental Factors The PESTEL analysis helps business managers to develop effective strategies based on the enterprises current position in the market and come up with sound policies for accomplishing the already set goals shortly (Yuksel, 2012, p. 52; Yeates, 2002). Below is a detailed analysis of Maxis Mobile Company Macro environmental factors explaining the companies present outcomes. Legal-Political Factors Political, environmental factors comprise of government's concern towards employment rules, consumer protection laws, tax laws, health and safety requirements, trade restrictions, and environmental regulations (Yeates, 2002, p. 88). It is the responsibility of Malaysian government to ensure that the services offered by Maxis satisfy consumer demands and that every customer feels contented with the telecom services provided by the company(Yuksel, 2012, p. 90). The company must comply with the employment laws set by the external government by ensuring equal job opportunities for the qualified personnel in both the home and foreign markets.Politically stable business environment impacts positively to the company's overall productivity. Maxis always remains updated of policy changes by the Malaysian government regarding telecommunication sector and even to the business industry as a whole(Dreher, European Journal of Political Economy). In this regard, Maxis Mobile company is licensed to offer telecommunication services both domestically and internationally, something which enables the company to enjoy substantial economies of scale in the telecom industry. Economic Factors Economic factors cannot be controlled by a firms management and therefore, affect the cost of capital and purchasing power of Maxis. Economic factors include inflation, currency exchange rates, interest rates, monetary and fiscal policies, price levels and charges, education, and unemployment rates (Kose, et al., 2003, p. 1216). One of Maxis's vision statement is meeting the economic needs of Malaysia by providing education, employment, and encouraging shareholders to keep investing in the company. Management of the business strategies channeling its efforts to building an environment that fall within all unpredictable changes in the economy. The Economic slowdown and depressions in the foreign markets results to an overall decline in domestic consumption of Maxis telecom services by the principal stakeholders (Faulkner De Rond, 2000, p. 206). India remains ranked as a developing country with a lot of potential growth bestowed in telecom industries operating within the nation. The e xcellent Gross Domestic Product(GDP) 7 percent rate in Malaysia provides an ideal ground for a sustained growth of Maxis mobile corporation (Faulkner De Rond, 2000, p. 200). In the world's service sector, Maxis emphatically commands a firm base that is anti-economy depressions, caused by unfavorable fiscal and monetary policies. Social-Cultural Factors Social factors impact significantly on the consumer needs and both the existing and potential market size for Maxis company's services. Examples of social factors are population growth, population age, health attitudes, social welfare, and domestic structures (Sanyal, 2005, p. 139). Customers mindset, ideas, and perceptions impact mostly on Maxis' service provision in the market. The society's beliefs, norms, customs, and behavior dictates the manner by which the company conducts its business operations (Reich Benbasat, 2000, p. 85). The population structure of Malaysian people remains complicated for Maxis to understand since it comprises of subpopulation segments each possessing their unique values, beliefs, and customs.Customers tastes and preferences on the company's services requires the management to remain aware of the society's preferences to promote growth (Need, 2006, p. 50). External and internal integration of organizational cultures maintains a continuous interaction of peoples attitudes and behavior in a manner that things get done in the right order (Thornton, et al., 2011, p. 88). Internal integration involves socialization of new members in the company, creation of-of close links of the firm and a feeling of identity among the staff thereby improving the staff morale. Technological factors Technology influences investment decisions, make or buy choices, barriers to entry in the market, and investment based incentives (Kshetri, 2007, p. 50). Technological factors include production efficiency, research and development, knowledge management systems, network coverage, changes in market trends, and intellectual property (Kshetri, 2007, p. 38). The role of technology in organizations involves assessing the challenges that have an effect or potential effects in altering the day to day operations of a firm.Technological phase in business keeps getting more rapid, and in most times its impacts in a company's market cannot be predicted. In particular, the telecommunication industry is faced with rapid changes in technologies and therefore Maxis company keeps updated of technological advancements in the market so as to continue thriving (Kshetri, 2007, p. 56). The company adopts the use of sophisticated technologies that assist in providing high-quality services to the world mar ket and thus gaining a competitive advantage over the key competitors.Environmental FactorsThe surrounding environment of business remains relevant for any industry to thrive in both home and foreign market. With the universal globalization significance in the telecom industry, environmental factors affect their performance. Environmental factors include climate change, weather factors, and geographical location of the business (Trkman, 2010, p. 125). Natural disasters and adverse weather cycles pose a significant danger for companies to carry out their activities in certain locations. For gaining location advantage, the government establishes its network boosters in situations that make it possible for smooth flow of network from a region to another. The company strives to meet the requirements of the law that state that it is illegal for the company to dump their waste products unnecessary in the environment (Halme Huse, 1997, p. 140). The business climate should be healthy to ma ke both the owners and stakeholders happy of their dedicated actions towards promoting sustainable development in the corporate sector (Calantone, et al., 2003, p. 99). Weather issues create logistical challenges in the telecom service production by the company. Micro Environmental Factors Microenvironmental factors are elements in the immediate surrounding of an organization that affects its decision-making process and performance. Although microenvironmental factors may be controlled by the management, some of them acts as external factors and thus may not be fully controllable (Walker Brown, 2004, p. 580). The management of Maxis company should understand the macroeconomic factors affecting the provision of telecom services so as to prepare efficiently and plan the strategies to apply in an attempt to establish long term development. The most important stakeholder in any company is a client. Maxis focuses on successfully attracting a broader customer base so as to increase its overall profitability. The clients of the business demand high-quality telecommunication services (Walker Brown, 2004, p. 578). Partnering with the target market assists the company to win more customers from the market. However, this is not enough for the company to meet its set objectives. Maxis company should, therefore, develop an effective marketing campaign program to inform customers of its new offers (Bordo Rousseau, 2006, p. 444). Promotional campaign programs should be established to build Maxis customer base in both Malaysia and other foreign markets. There is no company, irrespective of its size, enjoys monopoly power in the international market. Companies should understand the business world and remain anxious to knowing the strategies used by competitors to thrive in operations (Parry, 2012, p. 220). Maxis Mobile company faces competition from other telecom companies like Telecom Malaysia Celcom, Packet One Networks, U Mobile, and DiGi in its dedicated efforts towards providing excellent bandwidth services to its customers in theThe company faces stiff competition in attracting more mobile subscribers of Celcom and DiGi.Com. In the past, Maxis suffered from customer dissatisfaction, and Celcom attracted more customers to rely on its services rather than relying on mobile subscription services from Maxis. However, Maxis reverted by establishing fast, affordable, and reliable services an aspect that made it gain a competitive advantage over Celcom.The human resources of a company produce and service the products that keep the business thriving in the market (Parry, 2012, p. 230). Companies should recruit personnel with the right skills and knowledge, qualification, experience, and expertise in the technology applied to provide services to the next and global market. Maxis company adopts the use of sophisticated technology, and this makes the company employ employees whose expertise in technology is unquestionable.The availability of qualified and motivated employees in telecommunication sector remains a vital factor in economic success. Maxis company uses well-defined strategies when recruiting more personnel in the industry. A remarkable experience in customer service provision is the most considered qualification for anyone to beco me hired as an employee in the company (Parry, 2012, p. 237). For motivating and improve employee morale while working in the business, the company reasonably pays the staff an excellent salary as well as offering fair promotions.Both the potential and existing shareholders of a company always have an interest in the operations and outcomes made by the concerned corporation (Frese, 2000, p. Businesses cannot thrive in the market without investors support. Maxis's shareholders invest their funds in the enterprise with the expectation that desirable returns will get realized. The company's mission states that the company wishes to establish a long lasting relationship with the investors since the management understands that shareholders are a major source of finance.Maxis company policy treats investors in an extraordinary manner since the shareholders share the risks faced by the corporation by offering support and expertise when necessary. Maxis ensures that investors are paid divid ends in return to their invested funds as a share of profits obtained by the corporation (Hussain Yaqub, 2010, p. The company's investors measure its future by analyzing its financial base and strength as well as evaluating future cash flows.General public refers to the local community's perception on the operations of a company. The branded image on a firm's reliability in service provision impacts significantly to its overall productivity. The company recognizes the role of local media for media acts as a marketing channel through broadcasts made to the publics on the excellence performance of the business in the market, new offers, and promotions, and job advertisements.Porters 5 Forces AnalysisThe company faces stiff competition from its top rivals in the telecom industry. For coping with external threats, Maxis Mobile Corporation firmly keeps building brand awareness to the customers by thorough participation incorporates social responsibilities.Other companies, DiGi and Celco, offer telecom services just like Maxis (Bordo Rousseau, 2006, p. 44). The company, therefore, adopts differentiated strategies while delivering its communication services through the use of sophisticated technologies.Every business industry has aspirants. The potential competition posed by new telecom firms entering the Malaysia market remains to be a significant threat to Maxis. The company utilizes the advantage of commanding wide ranges of the capital source to compete them out.Customers to the companys services have a high bargaining power that dictates what charges Maxis will employ in its services provision (Faulkner De Rond, 2000, p. 198). Maxis overcomes this threat by ensuring retention of only the affordable brands but with high quality.The telecom sector faces a little pressure from the business vendors. The providers of information to get broadcasted remain to be the publics within the country. Maxis bills them out their expenditures and thereby affording qualit y information.Maxis mobile company is strategically located in Malaysia and thus making it accessible for distribution of information within and across the borders. Through the well-established company versus customers channels for data flow, the company manages to address the growing rates of demand for the key clients (Walker Brown, 2004, p. 591). Maxis adopts maintenance of informal. Formal, and friendly relationship with the customers, and the aspect that attracts a global reliance on the company's services.The key performance indicators quantify the measures taken by Maxis Company to gauge the performance over the last three financial years. Essentially. KPI measures are integrated with benchmarks to compare a company's financial results against the principal competitors (Trkman, 2010, p. 130). In this case, KPI analysis involves a benchmark of Maxis Moble company with other telecom firms in Malaysia to compare their financial status and effectiveness over the past three years .